What should have been a simple exorcism turns into a disaster for Buffy and the Scoobies when, instead of horrors, a demon fights back with blissful childhood fantasies!
Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 10 #6 is a good start for moving Buffy and the gang along in a struggle that requires them to both be more aware of who they are and what the world needs them to be as adults. There wasn't much action in this issue, but what we got was some necessary preparation of their characters as individuals for what comes next. Read Full Review
There was surprising depth from Giles, who we've seen relatively little of considering he just came back to life at the end of Angel & Faith. His big moment was the reunion with Buffy and since he's had a role of figuring out who he is now. That's come full force in this issue and it was worth the wait. Things are deteriorating around them with the new rules of magic, but there are more important issues at hand, as there always are. They're friends are in trouble. Read Full Review
Writer Christos Gage (Angel & Faith, Justice League Beyond 2.0, and Superior Spider-Man) continues to display a masterful grasp of these characters while bringing the incredible blend of action, drama, humor, and emotion that Buffy is known for. It's impressive how much Gage manages to pack into an issue with each one feeling almost like a full episode of the series. In an incredible season that's been near flawless, Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 10 #6 may be the weakest issue. However this is largely due to the inconsistent art as this is still a phenomenal issue overall that's recommended to both new readers and die-hard fans alike. Read Full Review
This is an interesting start to a new arc with a new art team and I'm looking forward to seeing where it all goes in the next four months. Read Full Review
Everything is good, but the art, which is important in a comic book. Buffy fans will enjoy this, but I don't see how new fans would rejoice. Read Full Review
The only surprise with the fake reality is the one character who refuses to see through the lies as Giles continues to struggle with his new reality as a teenager cut off from his old life which will likely continue to be a theme of the series going forward. Worth a look. Read Full Review
Gage and Moline deliver a solid start to the newest arc of Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 10, continuing to capture the tone of the Whedonverse well. Buffy fans should find a lot to enjoy in this issue, and I'll be back for the next installment to see where they are headed with this one. Read Full Review
Overall, "Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 10" #6 is a decent installment, seemingly intended to bridge the gap between the first and second arcs. If the final page is any indication, expect more significant plot development in the following issues. Read Full Review
A transition issue that does only slightly more good than it does bad Read Full Review