Buffy The Vampire Slayer: The Origin

Buffy The Vampire Slayer: The Origin

Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Release: Issues: 3 Critic Reviews: 0
N/A Avg. Critic Rating
N/A Avg. User Rating

The comic book adaption of the cult film starts the New Year off with a bang. Adapted from creator Joss Whedon's original screenplay, witness Buffy's humble beginnings as the Slayer! Follow her trials and tribulations as she comes to accept her destined role, and all the vampire slaying you can handle in a three-issue series. See the original Buffy before she set fire to the red-hot television show.Warehouse Find -- We don't normally offer less-than-mint-condition books for sale, but with the continued demand for back issues, we've decided to add our Warehouse backstock to our website. The majority of our comics are in mint condition, but the more

User Ratings Critic Ratings
Rating Issue Writer Artist Reviews
#3 Christopher Golden Joe Bennett
#2 Christopher Golden Joe Bennett
#1 Christopher Golden Joe Bennett

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