TERRORPIN! POWERPACHYDERM! BRASS MONKEY! CYBERIAN TIGER! SUPERCOBRA! MAUL BUNNY! Can struggling superheroine Empowered foil a mass carjacking by these animal-armored crimebots at the 21st annual Alternate Timeline Superhero Auto Show? Can one exceedingly flimsy "supersuit" overcome fourteen hostile tons of heavy metal? This action-packed new Empowered one-shot says: "MAYBE!”
According to Warren,Empowered is ”a sexy superhero comedy… except when it isn't.” Long may it run. Read Full Review
Overall, this is a solid issue with a skimpy plot. Although it's easy to follow, if you're a new reader like me this is probably not the best place to start because none of Emp's friends– Thugboy, Ninjet, and the Superhero Homeys–make an appearance. I'm intrigued by what I've read, but I don't think it's fair to make a judgment on the entire series until I read more. Read Full Review