Empowered Special #7
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Empowered Special #7

Writer: Adam Warren Artist: Adam Warren Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Release Date: November 25, 2015 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 2
8.8Critic Rating
8.5User Rating

The laser blasts fly as costumed crime fighter Empowered battles a series of puzzlingly rage-fueled supervillains, each one armed with a bigger and more destructive “supergun” than the last. Ah, but might our long-suffering heroine’s own buried resentments and repressed bitterness prove to be her deadliest foes? (SPOILER: Yes, pretty much.)

  • 10
    Comic Bastards - Dustin Cabeal Nov 25, 2015

    There may not be an ongoing or a slow ongoing series for Empowered, but I will say that these one-shots are new reader friendly. They give you a solid introduction to the world each time, but without it being an overkill like comics from the 70s. If you love the superhero genre, but you've never read anything outside of the big two, give this a chance. See what the world of comics has to offer because it will surprise you in the best of ways. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Nov 25, 2015

    While I love Warren's character designs and sense of kinetic energy in the fight sequences, the intense amount of detail and tight layouts just overwhelms me. I find it a lot more manageable on my part in a shorter special like this and what we get here with Pew Pew Pew! is just a delight. While there are more areas it could go to try and say more about various situations, it's used more as a plot point to show how Emp is maturing and holding up alongside the overall storyline and growth of the character from the main book. I had a lot of fun with this issue and can already see myself re-reading it sooner than later to enjoy it again. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Crusaders - Johnny Hughes Nov 27, 2015

    So, there you have it. If you have read this character before and loved her, then this is for you. Otherwise, you reaction to the book may affected by your mood. Either way, you can not argue about the quality of the book. Read Full Review

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