The Abandoned, that hulking figure with haunting yellow eyes, rarely leaves his ramshackle cabin deep in the woods of Harrow County. But it wasn't always so. Illustrated by guest artists Carla Speed McNeil and Jenn Manley Lee, this issue is the first of a two-part story that explores the Abandoned's past and reveals secrets about the very foundations of Harrow County.
• Featuring special backup stories exclusive to the single issues!
The one-page short story written by Bunn at the end has more visceral and immediate impact than the main story, but I've no doubt Bunn and McNeil will pull us towards a satisfying conclusion regardless. Read Full Review
Harrow County delivers another issue with great art with Carla Speed McNeil and Jenn Manley Lee filling in for Tyler Crook. However, the storytelling continues to be a bit hit-or-miss. Read Full Review
As ambivalent as I am about the main story, however, the back up (written by Bunn and drawn by Owen Gieni) is incredible. It provided more terror in one page than the rest of Harrow County #17 managed in twenty-three. Still, I trust Bunn to make the set up we got pay off. The Abandoned wouldn't allow his story to be told, otherwise. Read Full Review
I'm not really enjoying these stories with Emmy's "family". Let's get back to the farm and Pa.