This installment shows how the planet Shoboth is mysteriously Terraformed leaving no trace of life, Lord Xanus and his team of heroes arrive and are stunned.
In Parolax a mysterious being that is imprisoned, asks to be released, the lex finally explains the mystery behind the creation of different teams of superheroes on three different planets, Earth, Shoboth and Paralax. They are all human beings with the same DNA.
In reality all these planets are part of a farm of superior beings, who have been raising us like cattle for years, when we reach 10 billion inhabitants, they devour us and terraform the planet to start over. That is why the biblical stories of a world unification that restarts everything is reality these beings terraforming a new generation of cattle farming. The process of consuming humans begins with a cloud of nanoparticles and the most recent battle on our planet was against Zeus or also called Jupiter, who lost and has his head as a trophy. Jason, Lady Liberty and Sophie are the LEGACY OF JUPITER.
These cosmic "Farmers" created superheroes for each planet to protect their livestock from invasions, plagues and internal wars that destroy them all. Humans end up being the most efficient and low-maintenance crop in the universe.
According to this being, the biological system has two guidelines, fornicating and raising new beings, that is why there is an obsession with taking care of our children, because it is a biological obligation to make us increase and increase in population. In short, our entire existence is a lie.
Walter Sampson knew this for a long time, but he hid in his mental illusions.
Jason is overwhelmed by what he has just learned, which he has been suspecting for years with the messages on Jupiter, but his mother, Lady Liberty, convinces him that life is something more and that it deserves to be defended, that brotherly love and love for children are a variable outside of this biological equation that is worth fighting for.
Millar finally reveals the macabre plan of the extraterrestrial beings who gave them powers, this revelation is shocking and mind-blowing, without a doubt the perfect way to begin closing this powerful saga.
Edwards presents his art full of textures and organic that gives a sense of dynamism and mystery, with magnificent details that show worlds apparently utopian/hopeful and at the same time plagued by terror and violence. He achieves a double splash page that is large in scale. His art elevates the epic feeling to biblical levels.
Jason, Lady Liberty and Sophie finally find out about all these existential "coincidences" on three planets and that everything is part of a cosmic plan of another level, where the human race is nothing more than a crop