From the New York Times-bestselling hosts of the hit The Last Podcast on the Left and Black Hammer's David Rubin comes this all-new humorous, horror, and action-packed comic book series that's Near Dark meets Ocean's Eleven. As their quest to be cured of vampirism unfolds, Hex and Steve are hired by a monster with a grudge to sabotage the ancient vampires and steal their magical relic!
Life sucks and maybe that's a good thing? Read Full Review
It's a little rough, just like the first issue, but it still holds promise. Read Full Review
Huge LPOTL fan and I have to say that this is a great comic. There’s definitely an overly saturated vampire scene in comics right now, but this one has funny quips and good art that is reminiscent of the Last Comic Book on the Left issues if you are a fan of those.