Power Cubed #3

Writer: Aaron Lopresti Artist: Aaron Lopresti Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Release Date: November 18, 2015 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 1
8.0Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

With his house leveled and his dad abducted, Kenny retreats to the wilderness, along with his matter-transforming cube and his new robot friends, Click and the Power Blaster. But when Dr. Cruel captures his girlfriend, Kenny can't keep hiding . . . He'll have to summon the courage and ingenuity he's not sure he has to save her from the mad scientist's machinations!

  • 8.0
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Oct 21, 2015

    Power Cubed brings us more of the why of events and that definitely helps to open it up while also personalizing it in a good way. Kenny doesn't get a lot of actual good dialogue time here, but he plays well against Covert, who does her best to steal scenes but doesn't quite manage it, while Ralph and his background story is the solid meaty material to like here. Lopresti manages the whole thing rather well overall though and as a whole I definitely enjoyed the book on its own and more than the first installment. It's fun and light with just enough serious moments to give it what it needs without being too much. Because you can't have too much when your apparent main villain is named Dr. Cruel. Read Full Review

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