Power Cubed #4

Writer: Aaron Lopresti Artist: Aaron Lopresti Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Release Date: January 6, 2016 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 1
8.0Critic Rating
8.0User Rating

Dr. Cruel is forcing Kenny to use his cubes near-limitless power in a bizarre plan for world domination and . . . love? But Kenny is through with letting other people run his life. With his robot friends at his side and a secret agent at his back, Kennys finally ready to take control!

  • 8.0
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Jan 6, 2016

    Power Cubed left me kind of scratching my head with the first installment but curious to see where it would go. I liked the elements with Kenny's father as we got his origin story and I thought April had a lot of potential to bring a lot to the series, hopefully in a follow-up miniseries sometime. Kenny and his cube-created crew are still a little off for me, but Lopresti has infused the three of them with enough personality to make it work and keep it fun and engaging. The winner for me is the villain of the book with Dr. Cruel as he was just comically awful and so full of big plans that weren't properly thought out. His end goal here is priceless and I loved the way Kenny just messes with him along the way. It's an interesting series overall and I suspect that it reads a lot better in full. I'm definitely game for another series. Read Full Review

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