Predator: Hunters III #1

Writer: Chris Warner Artist: Brian Thies Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Release Date: February 5, 2020 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 2
7.1Critic Rating
7.2User Rating

Raphael Herrera was a drug runner until the fateful night when his men were wiped out by an unearthly monster. Now, as part of the Predator Hunters team, Herrera's worst memory is reborn. Cartel soldiers are being wiped out in the jungles of Central America, and that means the Predators have returned!
o This story links back to Dark Horse's first Predator series from 1987!
o Variant cover features glow-in-the-dark ink!

  • 8.5
    Beyond The Panel - Jideobi Odunze Feb 5, 2020

    Overall, Predator: Hunters III #1 was a bloody reintroduction back into this world. It is of course recommended that you read the first two parts before jumping into this one, but if you already did? Part III is going to be worth investing in for the same reasons you did for the others. There is action, no punches are pulled either, and you know it is all going to rev up to an actual battle between two forces who know what to expect from the other. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Flickering Myth - Rob Lake Feb 9, 2020

    As an opening issue, Predator Hunters III #1 gets its storytelling off on the right track. It does not give much away in terms of story but a clever script which gives away just enough information has me intrigued into the following the Hunters in their hunt. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Feb 5, 2020

    Predators: Hunters essentially delivers four issues of action in going up against a group of Predators. There's no real greater story here as the human side doing the hunting isn't really explored that much and they're just warm bodies at this point. We've had two tales so far that were decent but didn't bring anything new to the table and I'm not expecting anything new this time either. What I do expect is some fun fight scenes, some creativity in the hunts, and good artwork. The opening issue looks like it's delivering that so I'm looking forward to seeing what's next, especially since these series are kept short at four issues which definitely helps. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Nerdly - Dean Fuller Feb 13, 2020

    On balance, a decent enough first issue, enough in there to get me back next month. After such a light world building issue this time round though, I expect a little more depth next time round. They teased there's more to come, so we'll hold them to that (I really hope they have to get to the chopper at some point too. It's practically the law with Predator stories). Read Full Review

  • 4.0 - Patrick Cavanaugh Feb 5, 2020

    If the next three issues deliver unbridled mayhem, it will surely appease a certain set of fans, but if you're looking to invest in any characters, no matter how quickly they meet their demise, this debut issue will surely be a disappointment. Read Full Review

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