Serenity: Better Days #1
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Serenity: Better Days #1

Writer: Joss Whedon, Brett Matthews Artist: Will Conrad, Michelle Madsen Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Release Date: March 12, 2008 Critic Reviews: 6 User Reviews: 2
7.5Critic Rating
8.0User Rating

Joss Whedon returns to the world of his blockbuster film Serenity with the three-issue comics series Better Days. Better Days revisits everyone's favorite space cowboys in this thrilling, action-packed adventure, with Mal and his crew on a heist that promises a big payoffwhat's surprising is that this heist just might make good on that promise. Whedon reunites with Brett Matthews and Will Conrad, his collaborators on the best-selling 2005 series Those Left Behind. Comics superstar Adam Hughes joins the team for stunning cover art! Prequel series to the blockbuster film Serenity by Joss Whedon. Front covers by critically acclaimed artist Ada more

  • 9.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jon Judy Mar 15, 2008

    And what higher praise can you give a comic book other than to say it will leave you wanting more? Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    IGN - Daniel Crown Mar 12, 2008

    It's no coincidence that a great majority of Whedon fans share an affinity for the comic book medium. His TV work, while properly suited for the airwaves, has always contained the type of witty dialogue and blend of humor and melodrama that is more or less atypical of the best in comics. So it should come as no surprise that out of all the licensed comics out there, Whedon's ventures stand as the very best at maintaining the proper aura of the original subject matter. Serenity: Better Days continues this trend, and while those new to the Firefly universe probably won't garner much entertainment out of its fan-centered story, for the rest of us, this series is just what the doctor ordered. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Weekly Comic Book Review - J. Montes Mar 22, 2008

    Too bad Adam Hughes didn't do the interiors, because his cover art is just spot-on perfect. My only complaint is the coloring. I hate it with a passion! Skin tones are too red, and a lot of the colors seem flat and dull. Someone please get a new colorist on board this series. It's just painful. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Shawn Hill Mar 15, 2008

    There are games within games in this issue, clever switches in points of view, and all the soapy frustration you could hope for. As this is set long before the endgame of the movie, things are still relatively hopeful and energetic, too. No closure yet in sight, and Whedon still gets to build the worlds that go with his funky and junky spaceship. Conrad returns as well on art duties, and he has the characters down, plus a degree of storytelling skill that makes Serenity one of the better quality of comic adaptations from another media. An editor's note inside explains the lack of multiple covers for this issue: each issue has a portion of one big poster, which will add up when you've bought all three. As it's by Adam Hughes, that's just one more bargain for your dollar. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Christopher Power Mar 15, 2008

    If you are a Serenity fan, this may be for you. However, I actually found the book a little bit off-putting as I think it could be much better. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Ray Tate Mar 15, 2008

    I'm not truly disappointed in Serenity: Better Days. I just think that Whedon and Matthews should have probably avoided some of the past relationships of the crew that came to a head in the movie. Either that, or the writers should have handled them a little more subtly. Read Full Review

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