Serenity: Float Out #1
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Serenity: Float Out #1

Writer: Patton Oswalt Artist: Patric Reynolds Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Release Date: June 2, 2010 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 3
6.7Critic Rating
8.0User Rating

Acclaimed writer/actor/comedian Patton Oswalt (The Goon, Batman, JLA, Dollhouse, Ratatouille) brings back one of Serenity's most beloved characters in this special spotlight issue! Always ready with a brilliant aerial maneuver and a terrible one-liner, Wash was pilot of the Firefly-class ship Serenity in Joss Whedon's cult-classic TV series before being killed in the movie. Float Out includes three brand-new stories of Wash in a series of exciting smuggling raids, each providing a hair-raising escape or daring last-minute rescue! Featuring a cameo that will leave Serenity fans reeling, this special one-shot presents new tales of the Serenity more

  • 8.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Jul 5, 2010

    Amazingly, this book is written by comedian Patton Oswalt (he of the KFC Bowls routine) and is pretty well-done. Thats no surprising if you think about the amount of work that Patton must put into the writing and language of his routines, but his grasp of character, situation and even pathos are spot-on. Patric Reynolds art is quite good throughout, and his rendition of the cameo at the end of the book is just flat-out beautiful. This book sets me up for the possibility of more adventures of this cast in the post-universe configurations, something Id love to see. Perhaps a Joss Whedon produced Firefly Season 2′ series? Dark Horse, are you LISTENING??? Read Full Review

  • 7.3
    IGN - Miguel Perez Jun 3, 2010

    Long time fans will most likely get a kick out of getting some new reading material, but there isn't much new insight or material to be had here. It's the reveal at the end of the issue that will undoubtedly get everyone talking and clamoring for more. Hopefully Dark Horse has something planned in the coming months, and having Patton Oswalt write it wouldn't be such a bad idea. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Vine - G-Man Jun 3, 2010

    It was okay. I was let down. It wasn't everything I hoped it would be. I enjoyed getting more information on Wash but the stories told weren't stellar. Even though the aim of the comic is clearly set on Wash, you can't help but wish to see some of the other crew. The ending was shocking even if it was a tiny bit clich. Still, it was nice to see something dealing with Serenity. We definitely need more. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Chris Kiser Jun 3, 2010

    In the end, Serenity: Float Out really only stands a chance at delivering a measurable sense of enjoyment to those lovers of all things Whedon. Even then, this book is merely an illustrated fans discussion about their favorite character. At most, it amounts to the quality of a DVD featurette, suitable for those whove exhausted themselves on the main episodes. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Razorfine - Alan Rapp Jun 3, 2010

    The art of Patric Reynolds doesn't help either. The ships look fine, but the characters looked rush, blurred, and half-assed. A comic with a strong story can sometimes overcome bad art (and vice-versa), but when they both are unremarkable you end up with a turd like this. Oswalt is a funny guy and should stick to what he knows. We have enough mediocre comic book writers. Read Full Review

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