Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic #37

Writer: John Jackson Miller Artist: Bong Dazo Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Release Date: January 21, 2009 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 1
6.7Critic Rating
7.5User Rating

Former Padawan Zayne Carrick's new life takes a turn for the worse as a con gone wrong puts his friends in a deadly predicament!

Fleecing the corrupt financial exchange on Metellos 3 seemed like a victimless crime to Zayne's friends Jarael and Rohlan-until they became the victims! Now prisoners of a galactic criminal syndicate, Jarael and Rohlan must find a way to survive long enough for Zayne and his conniving cohort Gryph to rescue them!

  • 6.7
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Jan 21, 2009

    That said, there continues to be a lack of what I would deem essential Star Wars elements in this series. Aside from the occasional lightsaber and reference to Banthas and Mandalorians, this comic could just as easily be set in a completely separate sci-fi universe. Part of the problem, as always, is the art. I complained through the first four issues of "Vector" that the bright, cheerful, and exaggerated visual did not suit the Star Wars-verse. Bong Dazo's art is much more appealing from a composition standpoint, but it's still not a style I would consider particularly well-suited to Star Wars. I don't mind a story that strives to be fun, but fun alone doesn't cut it in this universe. Until Knights can offer the same compelling, complex mythology Legacy does on a monthly basis, it's going to remain on the bottom of my reading pile. Read Full Review

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