The Goon #4

Writer: Eric Powell Artist: Eric Powell, Kyle Hotz Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Critic Reviews: 1
8.0Critic Rating
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  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Marcus Nyahoe Jan 7, 2004

    Need I say anymore than this is extremely funny, with artwork that Will Eisner would be proud of (and if you don't know if this is a compliment or not I suggest you stop reading RIGHT NOW and go pick up a copy of A Contract with God and get some education on this particular artistic field you're so intersted in!) Still with me? Good, that means we've got rid of all the ignorant ones (you know the ones, they think Jim Lee is the greatest artist in comics and Eddie Campbell can't draw). All the buffoons are gone and it's just us. You know your comics. I don't need to tell you to buy this because only one of the aforementioned fools will ignore this comic. Just pick this up - if you could afford to buy the (frankly pre-adolescent) JLA/Avengers then you can afford this. trust me, your life will be much, much richer for it. Read Full Review

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