Marsha, Queen of Diamonds, holds all the cards! While Batman and Robin try to track her down for her latest crime, Marsha and her cohorts tunnel their way into the Batcave. She's been after the Bat Diamond for some time. Will she finally get it? Then find out what the Dynamic Duo must resort to when The Minstrel makes it impossible for them to get to the Batcave and their costumes.
Recommended if:You love the Sixties Batman tv series.You enjoy stories featuring more obscure villains.You enjoy value: two good stories for the price of one.The idea of seeing prototype suits intrigues you. Read Full Review
The back-up story is fun but dumb as the Minstrel steals the Shakespeare bust out of Wayne Manor locking Bruce and Dick out of the Batcave (umm… couldn't they just use Alfred's entrance?) and forcing them to wear old prototype costumes to track the villain down. Worth a look. Read Full Review