Batman Beyond #4

Writer: Adam Beechen Artist: Eduardo Pansica Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: April 6, 2011 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 2
7.0Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

Having their secret identity exposed is the worst nightmare of any hero who wears a mask and that nightmare is coming true for Dick Grayson! Bruce and Terry still think they can put this genie back in the bottle, but only with the help of Max, Terry's closest confidant and computer wunderkind. But Max has problems of her own the kind that Terry can't ever find out about and Dick has his own ideas about how to protect himself!

  • 7.0
    cxPulp - Blake Petit Apr 10, 2011

    The book stands on its own, and that's probably for the best. Eduardo Pansica is this month's artist, and I like his style for this book. It's not as cartoony as some of the other artists who've worked on the title, and in fact, has something of a "late 90s" feel to it" y'know, after the shoulder pads and trenchcoats had run their course and before artists felt a need to make every panel look like a photograph. When they were just trying to draw comics that told the story. Remember that? Anyway, I dig it. The issue as a whole is okay. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    IGN - Apr 7, 2011

    Outside the obnoxious monologues that constantly crop up like weeds in Batman Beyond #4, the overall issue is quite enjoyable. Not only is Maxine successfully introduced, but Beechen also manages to set up some interesting plots carrying her arc into the future. There's also more Dick Grayson love to be found within. What's not to like about that? Read Full Review

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