Batman Beyond Unlimited #6

Writer: Adam Beechen, J.T. Krul, Dustin Nguyen, Derek Fridolfs Artist: Norm Breyfogle, Howard Porter, Livesay Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: July 18, 2012 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 2
8.0Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

The multi-part epic 10,000 CLOWNS begins here!

  • 8.5
    Multiversity Comics - Matthew Boren Jul 20, 2012

    To wrap things up, this was a great romp with very little to complain about. The second story is a little weak, but if it goes where it promises to, things are bound to be interesting. Each story left me wanting more, and thus did its job of making want to pick up the next issue. If you love “Batman Beyond” you'll want this in your pull. If you've never encounted “Batman Beyond,” now might be a good time to start. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Batman-News - Andrew Asberry Jul 19, 2012

    The main complaint is that I wish it was longer. All three stories collected here are very entertaining and I think it was money well spent. Would it be better as a trade paperback? Absolutely! But as a stand-alone issue, this was a lot of fun. Had 2 of the 3 stories not been so horribly short-changed then it would have been a great comic deserving of a 9 or 10/10. But it feels like 1 full chapter and 2 quarter chapters of 2 other stories and that's not ideal. If you're new to this series, then “Batman Beyond” is the only section that you'll be able to comprehend. Read Full Review

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