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Batman: Nevermore #1

Writer: Len Wein Artist: Guy Davis Publisher: DC Comics Critic Reviews: 1
10Critic Rating
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  • 10
    Comics Bulletin - Ray Tate Apr 4, 2003

    Guy Davis drew Baker Street, Sandman Mystery Theater, the Nevermen and Danse Macabre. He has never once for the comic book reading public illustrated an anatomic, finely honed physique and to an extreme often prefers a citizenry of Mole People. This is not to say that Mr. Davis cannot do something that would make Burne Hogarth proud. Rather, he chooses to do something that is dynamically opposed to that type of traditional comic book artwork. Nevertheless, Davis' artwork fits the atmosphere of the story and fulfills the requirements of period detail that blends into the background. His Poe is somewhat whimsical and innocent which nicely contrasts the Batman who seems to come straight from a Heironymous Bosch hell dimension. Davis is also the most animated for Batman: Nevermore. Some of those issues of Sandman Mystery Theater tended to eschew action for ratiocination. Nevermore combines the two. I can't say that I fully appreciate Mr. Davis' artwork, but I really can't see anyb Read Full Review

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