Batman #692

Writer: Tony Daniel Artist: Sandu Florea Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: October 28, 2009 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 6 User Reviews: 2
7.3Critic Rating
7.8User Rating

BATMAN double-ships this month with Tony Daniel returning to the series as the new writer and artist after his best-selling BATTLE FOR THE COWL miniseries! With Batman pounding the pavement in search of Black Mask, Penguin on the run, and the completion of the new Arkham Asylum looming close, Gotham City has reached a boiling point! Guest-starring Catwoman and the Huntress and featuring the return of Gotham City's most notorious crime family!

  • 9.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Ryan Schrodt Oct 30, 2009

    Tony Daniel is still coming into his own as a writer and so he stumbles a bit with dialogue pacing and, while he has a great take on Dick Grayson, he seems to be struggling to find the right voice for Dick as Batman. Still, it is a vast improvement over the Winick/Bagley issues and no matter how rough the writing can be, Daniel will also comes through with topnotch art. Read Full Review

  • 8.7
    IGN - Dan Phillips Oct 28, 2009

    Finally, it's worth noting that Daniel's storytelling is vastly improved from his work in Battle for the Cowl, mostly avoiding the awkward panel transitions and page layouts that made Cowl a headache to read at times. His pages are appropriately atmospheric and dark, which makes his flair for dynamic action all the more aesthetically pleasing. Combine his strong art with solid character work and the return of several classic Batman villains, and you have the makings of an extremely promising debut issue. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Mania - Chris Smits Nov 3, 2009

    After his fine handling of the characters and plots involved in Battle For The Cowl, Tony Daniel has come back and proven that he not only deserves to be handling this book on a monthly basis but that he also has a great understanding of the tone of the book as well. From the dialogue moments to the setup of the master criminal plan, everything is executed very well and any fan of Batman should find this a perfectly entertaining read with a thirst for the next issue. This one gets a B grading and looks to be leading down some interesting paths with the story and brings back the anticipation to see what comes next. It's that anticipation that's really been missing from this title in recent months and it's nice to have back. Very solid book and it's still holding on to that $2.99 price point so there's not a whole lot going wrong here. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Kevin Nov 1, 2009

    Batman #692 was a good read. Other than the Nazi part of the story at the end Daniel actually impressed me with his writing in this issue. It was a vast improvement over his work on Battle for the Cowl. This was a very new reader friendly issue with giving the reader plenty of information not to get lost. Also with how this issue has built on other storylines that have been building since the start of the new direction from the franchise this has plenty for older Batman readers. So I do recommend picking up this issue whether you are new or a long time reader of Batman. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Joe Lopez Oct 29, 2009

    While far from perfect, Tony Daniel has given a surprisingly solid performance after a few months away. Despite the story not being my exact cup of tea, it's a marked improvement over the previous story-arc. That said, the jury's still out on where Daniel will go with this. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Oct 29, 2009

    In the end, "Batman" is an uneven book, although one that shows potential. For every surprise character appearance that pleased me in "Batman" #692 there's another one that I made a face towards. I think with time Daniel can grow into the book, but we'll see what happens. With creative teams coming and going so quickly these days, anything's possible. For now, though, it's a step up from "Batman: Battle for the Cowl," and for that alone, I tip my hat towards Daniel. It's a start. Read Full Review

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