Breach #4

Writer: Bob Harras Artist: Marcos Martin Publisher: DC Comics Critic Reviews: 2
6.0Critic Rating
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  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Apr 19, 2005

    Marcos Martin deserves full marks for his work on this issue, as the arrival of the JLA members has a wonderful majestic quality to it, and this issue also manages to deliver one of the best looking big impact visuals that I've encountered in quite some time, as the scene where Tim attacks the Martian Manhunter is a jaw dropper moment. The art also manages to capture perfectly the sheer intensity of the struggle between Superman and Tim, from the raw power of Superman's heat vision to the moment where Superman makes contact with Tim's exposed flesh, and one is momentarily lead to believe that Superman is in serious trouble. Now the art does get a little too cartoonish during the scene where we're introduced to the author, as the man has a decidedly freakish appearance, but the scene sells a nice ominous vibe, so his appearance wasn't overly distracting. In the end though, it's the big battle that makes this issue worth a look, as Marcos Martin turns in some lovely visuals. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Ray Tate Apr 15, 2005

    Some members of the blogosphere have been promoting a very interesting theory that counters the idea of Keith Giffin's JLA being targeted outright. Instead, they suggest that it's the Charlton characters whom DC acquired long ago getting the bullets in their heads, and that this wanton destruction of fan-favorite characters is a result of copyright concerns. I almost dismissed that theory out of hand since DC owned Sue Dibney. However, it occurs to me that Breach probably would have been better as a bona fide Captain Atom reboot, and that Bob Harras was asked to change it into something "original." End result, the copyright issue becomes moot. Breach becomes property of DC--a white elephant, but still theirs. This makes Crapping Toward Crisis Light an even less artistic endeavor. Consider that DC could have killed off Booster Gold--pretty much a heartless character that only had one plausible role--comedy relief, but they chose Blue Beetle who had the resonance to be comical and Read Full Review

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