Catwoman #35

Writer: Ed Brubaker Artist: Paul Gulacy Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: September 22, 2004 Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 3
4.0Critic Rating
7.2User Rating

"War Games" tie-in! Batman commits a shocking act that will alter his relationship with the G.C.P.D.! And while Selina fights for her turf against the Ravens, the Dark Knight races toward a meeting that will swing the war into his favor!

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Sep 28, 2004

    Paul Gulacy turns in a solid enough issue, as the opening shot of the issue is an undeniably powerful image to kick off the issue, and Stephanie's escape manages to project a real sense of her pain. The issue also turns in some nice work of its main action sequence as we see Catwoman dealing with a pair of female gunslingers, and the art manages to convey the sense of non-stop motion that is needed to sell the idea that she could avoid the continued efforts to shoot her dead. I also have to say I rather enjoyed the amazed expression on the faces of the two killers as Catwoman performs her big back flip. The credit page shot of Catwoman inside the book is also a nice visual introduction to the character. I also want to make mention of this issue's cover as it's a clever image that displays a nice sense of imagination when it comes to how the visuals are laid out of the page. Read Full Review

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