Catwoman #36

Writer: Ed Brubaker Artist: Paul Gulacy Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: October 27, 2004 Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 3
4.0Critic Rating
6.3User Rating

"War Games" tie-in! The penultimate chapter of Gotham's darkest period finds Batman in conflict with Commissioner Akins, the players ready for the final battle, and Catwoman squaring off one last time against Zeiss, the man who left her for dead!

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Nov 9, 2004

    Paul Gulacy has style that lends itself quite nicely to the action sequences, and since this issue is essentially one running action scene, the art manages to impress. From the display of constant motion as Catwoman hands Zeiss his head, to the sense of impending danger as Black Mask and his allies make their way through the Clocktower's defences, Paul Gulacy turned in a very solid issue. Now I will say I was a little disappointed by his work when it comes to the backgrounds, as there were a few too many panels where the characters were moving through empty voids, but in the end it's delivery of some wonderful impact shots more than made up for lack of background detailing. I mean how can one not love the shot where Catwoman's boot nails Zeiss in the kisser, or the Black Mask's solution to the high-intensity laser-field. I didn't care much for the cover shot though, as Batman simply looked he was pasted into the image without any thought to how the firelight would impact his appearance Read Full Review

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