Countdown to Final Crisis #12

Writer: Paul Dini, Justin Gray, Jimmy Palmiotti Artist: Jesus Saiz, Tom Derenick Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: February 6, 2008 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 3
5.7Critic Rating
5.5User Rating

The Challengers and Ray Palmer arrive on Apokolips! Meanwhile, on Paradise Island, the ceremony for the Furies begins, but Mary Marvel has something to say about it. Mary, Harley and Holly take on Granny Goodness!

  • 7.7
    IGN - Bryan Joel Feb 6, 2008

    One of the most enjoyable things about Countdown in the past month or so is how its stories seem to be leading somewhere and coming together to result in something big. The sense of momentum and a tighter direction has helped the book greatly and this issue is no different, despite the necessary evil of moving the Amazonian plot thread forward. At the end of the day, though, I'm still intrigued enough to come back next week. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jim Beard Feb 7, 2008

    Major Tom to Ground Control: Send me up some more news of the possibility of Busiek and Bagley on the next DC weekly! Them's some good storytellers there! Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk Krinn Feb 7, 2008

    Countdown to Final Crisis was an average read that at least finally moved along the various plotlines and set the stage for the final act of this story. I have a feeling that Dini is going to be able to pull off a pretty enjoyable ending with these final eleven issues. However, now that we are almost done with Countdown, it is painfully obvious that this story would have been much better served is DC had decided to make it a 12 to 24 issue series. I think it would have been one hell of a good read in that format. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Kirk Warren Feb 6, 2008

    I don't think I mentioned it yet, but there were a lot of Boom Tubes in this issue. You could say they were booming. The internet should upgrade to Boom Tubes. Sure beats the series of tubes it runs on now. Read Full Review

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