The big battle that it's all been leading to is here: Jimmy Olsen against Darkseid! As these titans clash, Metropolis falls around them! But can even the super-powered Jimmy stand against the villainous New God?
Praise Darkseid this bloated whale of a book is almost done. I still don't know precisely what Countdown is actually counting down towards, and I really, truly don't care. The end of this book means the beginning of far more interesting projects at DC. Hopefully once Final Crisis and Trinity kick off I can look back on this series and chuckle. Maybe while I use every issue to fuel a bonfire and dance around it. Read Full Review
I was pleasantly surprised that I actually enjoyed Countdown to Final Crisis #2. Of course, after reading this issue, I remain convinced that Dini could have delivered a highly entertaining story with Countdown to Final Crisis if he had trimmed off the fat consisting of many of the useless plotlines that bogged down this story. Countdown to Final Crisis would have made a great 12 issue series. Read Full Review
Major Tom to Ground Control: Send me up Countdown #1. Let's get it done. Not because I'm excited to read it but because I've got something kind of special planned for the review...see ya then, friends. Read Full Review
I can only imagine what this carnival freak show of a comic book has in store for next issue. I guess the Salvation Run villains will arrive in Metropolis from a boom tube and start a big brawl or some other garbage. Maybe Mary Marvel's disappearance will be explained, who knows? Read Full Review