Countdown #29

Writer: Paul Dini, Adam Beechen Artist: Manuel Garcia Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: October 10, 2007 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 3
5.2Critic Rating
4.8User Rating

The Challengers continue their search for Ray Palmer while Holly Robinson and Harley Quinn battle sharks on their swim to Paradise Island. Plus, the descent of Mary Marvel continues!

  • 6.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk Krinn Oct 11, 2007

    Countdown #29 was a slightly better than average read, but not quite up to par with the past two issues. I still think that Dini can pull things together and deliver an entertaining finish to this title. Even though Countdown is improving, I still can't recommend shelling out your hard earned money each week for this title. I'm sure that Countdown will be a much more enjoyable read when it comes out as a trade paperback. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Kirk Warren Oct 10, 2007

    As of this issue, Countdown has been really hitting its stride. This marks the third straight week I have enjoyed this weekly and most of the tie-ins have been excellent of late. I still dislike several of the storylines it is featuring, but they are all finally seeing some progression and I don't feel like I am being ripped off each week with 2 page non-stories that were recaps of other monthly books like earlier issues featured. If you were shying away from Countdown, now might be a good time to start considering jumping in on it, which is something I never thought I'd end up saying just a few months ago. Definitely not the best book on the market, but probably one of the most improved books and looks to be set to go higher. Read Full Review

  • 4.2
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Oct 10, 2007

    Manuel Garcia returns to pencil this issue. Outside of the random contribution from bigger names like Dennis Calero, I've never much cared for art quality in Countdown. This isn't the worst product we've seen from Garcia in the past couple months, so I guess that's enough to leave me relatively satisfied. Emphasis on relatively. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jim Beard Oct 11, 2007

    Major Tom to Ground Control: send up something really, really creepy and scary for the Oct. 31st issue of Countdown, eh? We can always use more good Halloween comics. Read Full Review

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