Countdown to Final Crisis #5

Writer: Paul Dini, Adam Beechen Artist: Jim Starlin Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: March 26, 2008 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 3
4.0Critic Rating
4.7User Rating

Around the world, Earth's heroes try to save as many lives as possible as the virus continues to run rampant. Meanwhile, Buddy Blank and Una head into Gotham to try and rescue Buddy's family!

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk Krinn Mar 27, 2008

    Countdown to Final Crisis #5 will certainly appeal to Jack Kirby fans who always liked Kamandi. Outside of that, I'm not too sure how many modern day fans will really care at all about the re-introduction of Kamandi to the DCU. All in all, Countdown just continues to fall short of delivering truly satisfying issues. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comics Bulletin - Marx Pyle Mar 31, 2008

    If you are a Jack Kirby fan who loved Kamandi and always wondered how that darn Great Disaster happened, then you may just love this issue. Otherwise, Im not sure if its worth picking up. I think the last four issues will go a long way in deciding whether Countdown to Final Crisis was a success or an actual countdown to a crisis in storytelling. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jim Beard Mar 27, 2008

    (Extra credit to those of you who recognize the title of count #4) Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Kirk Warren Mar 26, 2008

    Let's see, we have the same horrible Buddy Blank narrative with no actual dialogue again this week, there's a dog with a carving knife that looks like Scrappy-Doo, Scooby-Doo's retarded little cousin or nephew, Una gets eaten by rats and Buddy takes Kamandi back to the bunker and activates this world's Brother Eye. On top of that, the preview for next week's cover shows Mary Marvel's costume switching back to black, meaning we get more of evil Mary, one of the worst storylines from the past year of this drek brought back to piss everyone off. Saying this issue was bad would be an understatement. Read Full Review

  • 1.8
    IGN - Dan Phillips Mar 26, 2008

    For all the lessons that 52 taught us about how to do a weekly series and tell a 52-part serial the right way, it seems like Countdown has done the opposite – underlining those very lessons by showing us what happens when you go about things the wrong way. I can only hope that DC, Kurt Busiek and any other bold and/or foolish creator that tries to take on such a task will learn from this Great Disaster of a series. Read Full Review

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