DC Universe Zero #1
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DC Universe Zero #1

Writer: Grant Morrison, Geoff Johns Artist: Philip Tan, Carlos Pacheco Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: April 30, 2008 Critic Reviews: 6
7.7Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

  • 8.5
    IGN - Dan Phillips Apr 30, 2008

    DC Universe zero is a strange little beast of a comic. At times, it seems like it means to be a reward to long-time readers, but then rarely delivers anything we don't already know (with the obvious exception of the last page). At others, it seems like it means to be an access point for new readers, but then never goes out of its way to explain itself. Other than Morrison and Johns' voice, there's really only one consistent aspect of this book, and that's its ability to build excitement for future stories. In that regard, DC Universe Zero is wildly successful, considering I'm now more stoked than ever for Final Crisis, Blackest Night, Batman RIP, and yes, even the upcoming Wonder Woman tale (though I'm curious as to how DC plans on avoiding a law suit from Dark Horse and Frank Miller). Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    IGN - Bryan Joel Apr 30, 2008

    I will say this, however: after a year of glaring missteps lessened only incrementally by Batman and Green Lantern, I'm cautiously optimistic that maybe, perhaps, hopefully DC is getting its act together and doing something with their enviable properties that's interesting and worthwhile. DCU #0 has, at the very least, guaranteed I'll pick up the first issue of each series it's peddling, and I imagine that's all DC could ask for out of it. Read Full Review

  • 8.2
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Apr 30, 2008

    My problems are two-fold. One - and this is something that doesn't necessarily concern me personally - this issue isn't quite the primer for new readers DC wants to think it is. It's definitely cluttered, and I imagine readers new to the DCU won't even make it past the Legion section before wanting to put the book down in favor of Ex Machina or something. Two - I wasn't a particularly huge fan of the reveal that the Associated Press has already harped on. Frankly, those few pages could have been better devoted to the other characters. Overall though I can't imagine finding a better use for your two quarters this week. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - J. Montes May 1, 2008

    If you read Marvel's Secret Invasion Saga comic and are expecting a similar book packed to the gills with tons of history – don't. This book is hardly here to educate, but more so titillate. With art by DC's top talent and a mere price of only 50 cents, there's hardly anything to complain about. I wasn't too keen on DC's big summer events, but after reading this, I'm pretty pumped. Bring it on! Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    IGN - Daniel Crown Apr 30, 2008

    Maybe I was a little too nave in my expectations for DC Universe #0, but I couldn't help but feel slightly disappointed with the end result. Countdown to Infinite Crisis #1 set the bar at a fairly considerable height as far as epic preludes are concerned, and this one just doesn't measure up in comparison. That being said, when it comes down to it, Morrison and Johns do a good enough job of setting the stakes for their respective upcoming epics, that the issue is definitely worth a look, especially to anyone already invested in the DC Universe. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Kirk Warren Apr 30, 2008

    It's free, basically, so it's hard to tell anyone not to pick this up, but there's no story, the art, while featuring a great selection of artists, has no dynamic shots or anything I'd consider a "wow" factor and there's absolutely nothing here you didn't already know, except maybe the Spartans, er, I mean Manazons. If you paid 50 cents for this, it's as if you paid DC for the priviledge of reading their advertisements. Read Full Review

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