Deathstroke versus an army of Bizarros! As the battle within Lexcorp intensifies, the hunt for Slades missing daughter takes a surprising turn! Is a betrayal loomingor will it be something far, far worse?
James Bonny and Tyler Kirkham are quietly giving fans a thrill ride of a book with action and severed limbs to spare. I know that Slade will eventually find Rose, but I don't care how long it takes because I am really enjoying the ride. Read Full Review
Wow! Just when it looked like things were winding down to a conclusion they turned on a dime and increased intensity. Now that's good writing. Read Full Review
Deathstroke #15 is a solid issue, where the art grabs your attention a bit more than the story. But the story is solid. Just don't expect anything Berlanti-like. And I'll admit that is a bit unfair with regards to a single issue. Although we write these reviews as the monthly issues incrementally drop, the truth is that it is in the whole arc as a single cohesive tale that a writer's cred is most weighted. If you are looking to check in on Deathstroke and see if it is something interesting, issue #15 is a fine place. For fans of Wolverine, Lobo, Winter Soldier, Elektra, Black Widow, and similar solo, mercenary/assassin/spy redemption/revenge tales, you'll likely be interested in sticking around to see if this should become a permanent part of your pulls. For others who are not so genre -engendered, your mileage may vary. Read Full Review
Ultimately, I find this issue to be dull. The art is great and I am intrigued by Rose's motivations; I want to know what is going on with her. However, like the last several issues, this story is too padded. It's more concerned with Deathstroke fighting than telling a story. Action is fine but it gets tiresome after awhile. I recommend skipping this issue. Read Full Review