Doom Patrol #19

Writer: Keith Giffen Artist: Matthew Clark Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: February 16, 2011 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 5
6.5Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

It's part 1 of the 2-part Doom Patrol vs. Secret Six rematch you've all been waiting for! (Well, some of you. Well, Robotman seemed pretty heated up about it, anyway) The battle starts here, and then continues over in SECRET SIX #30, also on sale this month!

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Feb 19, 2011

    "Doom Patrol" is a book that has been criminally overlooked. Each and every issue has humor, action, adventure, wild and crazy comic book science, absurd characters, and good art, but it doesn't seem to have the charm to draw readers in. The recent news of its cancellation comes as no surprise. It's a shame, because this issue would give you most of what you need to know to move forward. Giffen isn't afraid of encapsulating and building at the same time, and he is one of the few writers nowadays who can do that effectively. But as it stands, there's only a couple of issues left. But if you do get this issue, you'll have a chance to see Danny the Bungalow in action. Ambush Bug too. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Minhquan Nguyen Feb 21, 2011

    Unfortunately, the Doom Patrol has never found much of a purpose for themselves, and this issue seems to emphasize that point, making the cancellation of the series a sad, but not unsurprising, event. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    A Comic Book Blog - Wayland Mar 6, 2011

    I think this story demonstrates that sometimes it's more the writer than the characters who make a story. Keith Giffen is quite good, and I like a lot of his work, but this one just didn't have the same feel as the ongoing Six title. The characters just weren't quite on. There was also some odd problems with the art and lettering- in one panel, Scandal is helping Bane to his feet, and the very next one she's in the midst of a fight, side by side with Catman, who wasn't shown anywhere near them. Similarly, Deadshot is both talking to himself and not sounding right, and one panel has misplaced word balloons- what should be Bane asking him something makes it look like Lawton's gone totally round the bend and is having an actual discussion with himself. Overall, this just felt to me like it was trying too hard to be weird. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Comic Book Bin - Koppy McFad Feb 26, 2011

    While this title is filled with interesting characters and situations, the creators may have unintentionally alienated potential fans by making the comic hard to follow. Perhaps they were trying to hard to be "quirky" to match editions of the DOOM PATROL. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Razorfine - Alan Rapp Feb 21, 2011

    It's not a bad read, I was just hoping with all the insanity at his disposal Giffen would knock the second-half of this one out of the park. Hit-and-Miss. Read Full Review

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