What is concrete is the joyously traditional punchout between Lee and the antagonist, unless of course he is a protagonist. For some time now, I've been bemoaning the pointless slug-fest, and instead, Mr. David gives a reason behind the battle and has Lopez, Blanco and Eyring choreograph something that doesn't seem outlandish but exciting and engrossing. Lee's shows of strength become out of the ordinary, and her toughness becomes surprising because of the way the fight is executed. Fallen Angel is fun, sexy, thought provoking, beautifully written and beautifully drawn. Why aren't you reading? Read Full Review
This is really off to a great start, and I have every hope and assurance that Mr. David will continue to please. The Fallen Angel is one of those heroes that is so well done, you can't wait to follow them on their next adventure. Read Full Review