Final Crisis Aftermath: Dance #1
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Final Crisis Aftermath: Dance #1

Event\Storyline: Final Crisis Writer: Joe Casey Artist: ChrisCross Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: May 20, 2009 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 5
7.4Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

Japan's Super Young Team wants nothing more than to be seen as heroes in the eyes of their adoring public. Unfortunately, their adventures during FINAL CRISIS have gone unnoticed, and they've been reduced to performing at public appearances and on various TV shows, literally dancing for their livelihood. But the appearance of a new American teammate and a deadly threat complicate the motives of the team as they try and find out what truly makes somebody not just a hero, but a sensational hero.

  • 9.0
    IGN - Dan Phillips May 20, 2009

    Final Crisis Aftermath: Dance is a spectacularly fun comic. With Casey, Chriscross and their coconspirators at the helm, it looks like the Super Young Team is in great hands. With any luck, they'll stick around the DCU for a long, long time. This team is just too much fun to dissapear into the ether of forgotten characters. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Chad Nevett May 20, 2009

    "Final Crisis Aftermath: Dance" looks like it could be the best of the bunch with Casey and ChrisCross at the helm, building on what Grant Morrison set up. They even work in a funny Aquaman being useless joke that sheds some light on the team dynamics. A funny, engaging read -" it's only one issue in and I want an ongoing series already. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Kyle Garret May 23, 2009

    I was worried when this book was announced. I enjoyed the little bits I saw of the Super Young Team in Final Crisis. I was unsure that DC could find a creative team for this title that could remain true to what we saw in their first appearances. If this first issue is an indication, Casey and Crisscross should do these characters justice. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Jun 4, 2009

    This book is really a lot of fun, with classic Joe Casey writing (reminiscent of the not-really-missed Intimiates title from Image a couple years ago) and Chriscross trying out a new art style to interesting effect. The roundness and cartoony expressions that I expect from Chris (and that's NOT an indictment, as I like bothhis old and new styles) has matured into an angular style with elements of Bill Sienkiewicz and a little Kirby here and there. The whole "media superteam" angle has been done, in WildGuard, in the aforementioned Intimates, in Morrison's New X-Men, even in old-school Youngblood, but the characters' belief that they're destined for something more makes this issue an interesting study. I suspect that a true test of heroism is coming for the Fab Five, and I kind of want to see it. It's a comic that so trendy (Facespace, the pseudo-rave, the cutting edge pop culture references) it'll seem dated by Autumn, but it's still a fun ride, and the best of the Final Cris Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comic Book Bin - Koppy McFad May 26, 2009

    This book needs to step up its pace a little more. Right now, it seems to be all flash and glamour-- much like the Super Young Team itself. But if readers don't see the characters doing something besides looking good, they may not keep reading. Read Full Review

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