Final Crisis Aftermath: Escape #2

Event\Storyline: Final Crisis Writer: Ivan Brandon Artist: Marco Rudy Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: June 10, 2009 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 1
6.5Critic Rating
7.5User Rating

Good morning, and welcome to the second day of your stay in Electric City. We are your providers, the Global Peace Agency. Time to take a dip in the Time Pool. What's the worst that can happen? You are a valued guest. You can leave anytime you want. You have nothing to fear. You will tell us everything...

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Chad Nevett Jun 11, 2009

    "Escape" #2 is a difficult to sum up since so much of what makes it great is in how its executed, not what actually happens. What happens is unclear and part of the ongoing mystery, but the manner in which Ivan Brandon and Marco Rudy tell it is marvelous and far different what you normally find in superhero comics. It's not for everyone, but good on DC for trying something new and different. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Jun 14, 2009

    I... uh... Hmm. This series is really surreal, and the transitions from place to place, from scene to scene are jarring, sometimes completely inexplicable (though intentionally so, I believe.) It's strange, and the headtrips just underline my expectation that we're looking not at a prison of the body, but of the mind. The parallells to the Prisoner are more muted this issue, but still there (as well as comparison's to Neil Gaiman's issue of "Miracleman" where Evelyn Cream shows up in a town where all the agents are kept to keep them out of trouble in the Brave New World) and there's still not a clear sense of when or where this is happening. Had this come out BEFORE Final Crisis as a strange preview of the World That's Coming (Heh...) I think I'd have been more likely to love it. As it is now, the sense of anti-climax kind of permeates anything Final Crisis, and the trippiness of the issue doesn't help. Still, I feel more positive about the series 1/3 of the way through, Read Full Review

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