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Formerly Known As The Justice League #6

Writer: Keith Giffen, J.M. DeMatteis Artist: Kevin Maguire Publisher: DC Comics Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 1
10Critic Rating
6.5User Rating

  • 10
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Dec 9, 2003

    On one hand it's a bit sad because it's the final issue, and even with the promise of a sequel arriving in shops in a couple months I'd feel much better if the rumored regular series was a reality, as the knowledge that there is definite ending in sight is a bit distressing. Still, this issue is as much fun as the previous issues, and the guest appearance by the JLA stands up as one of the more enjoyable events on the miniseries, as J'Onn's unwillingness to get pulled back into the insanity has me hoping that the JLA loan the character out for the next miniseries, as I'd forgotten how well the character works within the confines of this group. In fact the one thing this miniseries has done exceptionally well is show how a team book should be done, as the relationships between the members of this group feel genuine, with Booster Gold and Blue Beetle's fight being a shining example of how to stage a difference of opinion between two characters without it feeling contrived. I also love th Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comics Bulletin - Ray Tate Dec 6, 2003

    Formerly Known as the Justice League reminded readers of a time when light outsold the dark. It pulled laughter from the most frozen and cynical readers and did so with artwork that never failed to awe the eyes. I cannot wait to see what this creative team cooks up next. Read Full Review

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