Green Arrow #33

Writer: Scott Beatty Artist: Shawn Martinbrough Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: December 17, 2003 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 1
6.0Critic Rating
7.5User Rating

A special issue featuring guest creative team Scott Beatty (BATMAN: GOTHAM KNIGHTS), Shawn Martinbrough (DETECTIVE COMICS) and Mark McKenna (Exiles) and guest-starring Superman and Plastic Man! Someone has put the Arrowcar in an online auction...and Scavenger wants it! Will Ollie enter the bidding or let a madman own a piece of super-hero history?

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Dec 25, 2003

    A very entertaining done-in-one story that manages to take a fairly simple gag of a plot and spin it into a fairly solid little adventure. Now there are moments where the plot is clearly not taking itself all that seriously, and there's almost a sitcom feel to this issue as we follow our cast through a string of funny moments. In fact Oliver's visit to the JLA watchtower feels like it should be accompanied by a laugh track, and in a couple cases a rim-shot to punctuated a couple of the lamer gags. Still, for the most part I found this issue to be a very amusing diversion, and considering it's following on the heels of a fairly serious-minded arc by Judd Winick this visit to Oliver's Silver Age roots was a welcome change. I was a bit annoyed that the book was in such a rush to remove this goofy item from the book before the final page arrived, as frankly I wanted to see it stick around as a reminder to Oliver and readers that he wasn't always the serious-minded vigilante he is in today' Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Glenn Collins Dec 22, 2003

    Wow, this was a truly horrible story. While it had good intentions and a sort of funny idea for a plot, the amateurish artwork was a real eyesore. And the plot kept going off track with one bad idea after another. Luckily Mr. Winick returns next issue and presumably so will the characters facial features since Hester and Parks return too. Read Full Review

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