Green Arrow #32

Writer: Judd Winick Artist: Manuel Garcia Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: November 12, 2003 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 2
7.0Critic Rating
9.0User Rating

While Oliver Queen ponders recent events, Roy takes Connor out for the night. And that means a night out on the town for the boys--with a bevy of strippers and gun-toting hoodlums!

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Glenn Collins Nov 14, 2003

    The end of the Winick run on Green Arrow should not be missed. While it was difficult to follow Straight Shooter with just one more issue, Winick writes a nice epilogue here enhancing the supporting cast of what is already a very strong book. This current run of Green Arrow has been blessed with truly exceptional writers to date. Lets see if it continues . . . Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Nov 23, 2003

    A solid issue in that it manages to establish a relationship between Roy and Connor, as the two head out for a night on the town together, and manage to discover that while they have very little in common, they can have a good time together. Now I would've preferred a little more confrontation between the two, as the issue has them getting along too well to draw much enjoyment from their clash of personalities, but than again given Connor is a character who would be inclined to bend before he breaks, I guess this evening on the town played out pretty much like one would expect it to. Still, it would've been fun to see a little more bite to their interaction, as there is a couple moments where the book gets almost too goody-goody that I wanted a bit of tension to liven things up. Still, there's a couple genuinely funny moments, and both characters get a good showing, which in Connor's case is much appreciated as I'm not all that familiar with the character. The action sequence in the mi Read Full Review

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