Green Arrow #31

Writer: Judd Winick Artist: Phil Hester Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: October 22, 2003 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 3
8.7Critic Rating
10User Rating

In the pulse-pounding conclusion to the 6-part "Straight Shooter," Ollie makes his final, desperate stand against the unbeatable assassin Constantine Drakon!

  • 10
    Comics Bulletin - David Kozlowski Oct 24, 2003

    Judd Winicks Straight Shooter storyline has been contrary to what youd expect of a DC hero: Oliver Queen lies, he's arrogant, he cheats in his relationship and his brash attitude gets people killed. Ollies emotional closing statement really sums up everything Winick has been striving for over the last six issues. Winick is to be applauded for his work here. Plus, Drakon is a great villain, the perfect metaphor for the heartless corporation he represented, I cant wait to see him again. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Oct 22, 2003

    While Oliver spends the issue racing across town, the real excitement is taking place between Connor and the ever deadly Drakon, and in a rather unusual move we see the battle is fought and won before Oliver can make his dramatic arrival. Now on one hand this does make Oliver little more than a bystander in his own book, and frankly it would been nice to see Oliver get the opportunity to redeem himself after his rather humbling defeat during the first encounter. However the battle itself is highly entertaining, as Judd Winick clearly understand the idea that allowing the villain to look like he stands a very good chance of winning while casting the hero into the role of the underdog is exactly the right combination one needs to deliver an exciting battle. There's also some real excitement to be found in the scene where Drakon manages to get his hand on Mia, and while I'm seen this maneuver used before in various action movies, I was still caught by surprise when Connor let that arrow f Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Cody Dolan Oct 21, 2003

    In all I felt this was a satisfying end to Winicks solid opening arc that looks like itll set his run up nicely. The writer appears to have a firm grasp of these characters and their motivations, so Im looking forward to seeing what Winick can do with them. If the rest of his run is anything like this first arc, I think fans of Green Arrow are in for a treat. Read Full Review

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