Green Arrow #13

Writer: James Patrick Artist: Agustin Padilla Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: June 22, 2011 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 4
7.1Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

In BRIGHTEST DAY, Green Arrow faced his darkest demons and emerged on the other side every bit the hero of Star City. But will those he hurt and abandoned be as forgiving toward him? And what will The Queen now do to combat Green Arrow's positive image? Maybe she needs a hero of her own!

  • 8.5
    IGN - Poet Mase Jun 22, 2011

    I'm excited about Billy Miggs as a new villain for the Green Arrow. The idea that he sees himself as the means of God's wrath – thinking himself justified in his actions and somewhat divine – captures a mentality relevant to today's American and global societies. Keep an eye on this book because it's in the hands of a capable creative team. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    A Comic Book Blog - Tom Parry Jul 6, 2011

    At any rate, the cover aside, the issue was pretty solid, and the story seems interesting enough, even if it is just filler. I'm excited to see how it all plays out, and whether or not our new villain will actually stick around after the relaunch to legitimately become one of our hero's "pains in the ass." Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Major Spoilers - Jimmy Jun 24, 2011

    This issue of Green Arrow earns 3 stars from me; I feel like a broken record, but I'll go ahead and say it one more time-the issue was good, not great, but that's oftentimes the best case scenario for a filler issue. I enjoyed it a lot more than I enjoyed the Adam Beechen Zatanna filler issue this week, though a lot less than the Zatanna filler issue by Matthew Sturges and Stephane Roux a few months ago (Zatanna #12, I believe). I was hoping for more, but expected less, and am hesitantly optimistic about the rest of this arc. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Vine - Mat 'Inferiorego' Elfring Jun 22, 2011

    I'm incredibly split on this issue. I liked a lot of aspects about it, but disliked just as many. I feel like this was a throw away issue, given to a creative team that could have a decent run on the book. While the story played off as a fun summer action film, it had the same over-the-top cheesy moments of a summer action film. The attention to detail, with the art, in Green Arrow was amazing, but it lacked in every other character. This one is a borrow. Characterwise, it doesn't matter if you like Green Arrow or not, this book is more for the summer blockbuster action fan than anything else. Read Full Review

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