Tom Parry's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: A Comic Book Blog Reviews: 23
7.6Avg. Review Rating

Green Arrow (2010) #1

Jun 24, 2010

All things considered, it was an enjoyable read that leaves you wanting more. And when it really comes down to it, what more could you want from a first issue of a new ongoing?

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Green Arrow (2010) #4

Oct 6, 2010

I would honestly suggest skipping the first part of this issue, and just cutting right to the chase, as the issue is really good once you get past the nonsensical Brightest Day stuff.

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Green Arrow (2010) #5

Nov 3, 2010

Bottom line, as long as Krul is allowed to tell his own story, its clear that we're in for a treat. And accompanied by the artwork of Diogenes Neves and Vicente Cifuentes, the comic really does have great potential that is finally being allowed to show fully for the first time since the first issue, and as long as that trend continues, I can't foresee a reason I'd have to complain. But I guess only time will tell.

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Green Arrow (2010) #6

Dec 3, 2010

Regardless, with this issue its official thatGreen Arrow isa must buy title.

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Green Arrow (2010) #7

Dec 30, 2010

Bottom line, this is a very solid issue for fans, and though it changes a point of history within the character's life that was reestablished as recently as Green Arrow: Year One, it still holds very well, and can be used as a pinnacle of characterization that certain other writers should take note of. That said, as it is a one-shot, it therefore seems to hold little importance to the greater whole, though as it plays directly into the personality of Green Arrow, I would still call it an essential work for the fans. It is certainly worth our time, if nothing else.

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Green Arrow (2010) #8

Feb 3, 2011

JT Krul is managing to keep his book moving, and that's a good thing. Shifting stories during an ongoing is often a test of a writer's skill, so I'm really looking forward to seeing where this new story goes and how it ties to that which came before it. Also, its good that the art of Diogenes Neves is remaining consistent, as such lends to the continued continuity of the title. And that's a really good thing as this series is entering the ultimate test of any ongoing. Whether it can keep its appeal through the shifting storyline. As such, I am eagerly awaiting the next few issues to see how this pans out.

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Green Arrow (2010) #9

Feb 24, 2011

Regardless of how these questions unfold, I still find myself looking forward to the next issue. So we'll all just have to wait and see how these events turn out next month.

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Green Arrow (2010) #11

May 4, 2011

Bottom line, however, I'm glad this is over, and am looking forward to the title refocusing in on itself, and getting back to the character stories that Green Arrow has been known for since Grell's run, so very long ago. Big crossover stories are not inherently bad, but I prefer my stories form a whole within themselves, so I'm looking forward to the non-Brightest Day Green Arrow that we are sure to be getting here soon.

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Green Arrow (2010) #12

May 26, 2011

Bottom line, I am really glad that Brightest Day is over and that we can now move on to the kind of story Green Arrow deserves. Here's hoping this series' future is brighter than Brightest Day.

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Green Arrow (2010) #13

Jul 6, 2011

At any rate, the cover aside, the issue was pretty solid, and the story seems interesting enough, even if it is just filler. I'm excited to see how it all plays out, and whether or not our new villain will actually stick around after the relaunch to legitimately become one of our hero's "pains in the ass."

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Green Arrow (2010) #14

Aug 3, 2011

All in all, though, it seems to have been a solid exciting issue. I'm really looking forward to next week's big conclusion. I still have mixed feelings about the reboot (though I have chosen to embrace it), but I know we are going to have at least one last big finale before the curious waters need to be tread, so I'm ready for it. Lets go out with a bang!

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Green Arrow (2011) #0

Sep 14, 2012

At any rate, I think the end result is clear. While the artwork is finally looking good, the stories presented here in this issue are rather pointless, somewhat confusing, and downright insulting to long time fans. It'll be interesting to see where the Merlyn story goes, but aside from that, this issue is a complete throw away, and I was severely disappointed with it, and thereby can't see myself recommending it to anyone.

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Green Arrow (2011) #6

Feb 8, 2012

In the end I was left truly indifferent to the story, though sad that this will be our art team's final foray into Green Arrow, at least for now. I have hopes that Harvey Tolibao will continue the trend of beautiful artwork for the title, but if nothing else, he'll at least have a new writer to direct him. Here's hoping Ann Nocenti can deliver where both Keith Griffen & Dan Jurgens, and even once Arrow authority J.T. Krul have not been able to since our hero's overhaul.

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Green Arrow (2011) #10

Jun 13, 2012

But only time will tell.

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Green Arrow (2011) #11

Jul 5, 2012

All in all, this is the first issue of the rebooted series that I can honestly say shows promise for the future, and as I said, I'm finally looking forward to next month's issue, and that's a great feeling to have back. If you're an Arrow fan who dropped the title, now is the time to recover. I think we can all afford to be cautiously optimistic at this point.

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Green Arrow (2011) #12

Aug 3, 2012

All in all, I found myself enjoying this issue quite a bit, and I'm just so glad that someone is managing to write Green Arrow the way he should be written. Here's hoping Nocenti can keep up the good work. Of course, we're going to have to wait two months to see if she can, since next month we will finally be getting the New 52′s origin of Green Arrow, and Nocenti will be sitting that one out, as once Arrow authority Judd Winick takes a swing at this new version of a character he once commanded for years.

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Green Arrow (2011) #13

Oct 4, 2012

So there ya go. The bottom line is that the writing of this issue falls completely flat, yet again, while the artwork has successfully taken a giant leap in a great direction with Williams showing off his talents with GA in full scale throughout.

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Hawkeye (2012) #1

Aug 3, 2012

All in all, its a good book that I'm excited is here, and am really looking forward to more of. So, for me at least, it did its job well enough.

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Hawkeye (2012) #2

Sep 14, 2012

Bottom line, the issue is what is. Its a disjointed piece of impersonal personal storytelling with sub par artwork that's hoping to pull in and sustain a reader base, but continues to alienate the reader in such a way that retention just seems unlikely. Here's hoping that we see a change sometime soon, and that it comes in time to prevent cancellation.

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Hawkeye (2012) #3

Oct 21, 2012

At any rate, the bottom line for this issue is that it once again displays Fraction's writing ability in a very positive light, but the artwork continues to fail and actually manages to become laughable, though not in the way intended. That said, I would say this issue may provide some sense of positivity for the title, and if it manages to continue pushing forward with this kind of writing, maybe this ongoing won't fall victim to the same fate as the others Hawkeye has been given… but they really need to change the art team quick.

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The Walking Dead #85

Jun 3, 2011

As for the immediate future of the series, I'm excited to see how Carl comes out of this. With the conclusion of this issue, I'm left thinking this could still go either way. He could live… he could die. Given his wound, he could live and be left without a memory, which could make things harder for Rick than if he were to die. Or he could never come to and simply become an anchor for Rick in the issues to come, that could lead to despair in the end. It is clearly an emotional time for our characters, and I can't wait to see where things go from here.

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The Walking Dead #86

Jul 6, 2011

So that's my take on the issue, what did you all think?

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The Walking Dead #87

Jul 27, 2011

All in all, its another solid issue that manages to make the wait for the next one even harder than the last. There are so many questions to be answered now, almost anything is possible. Now with the stirrings of dissent beginning to come from the ranks, and Rick's own sanity becoming totally justifiable to speculate on, only time will tell what is coming next.

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