Green Arrow #31

Writer: J.T. Krul Artist: Federico Dallocchio Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: March 17, 2010 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 1
5.6Critic Rating
6.0User Rating

"The Fall of Green Arrow" part 1! Spinning out of the shocking events of JUSTICE LEAGUE: CRY FOR JUSTICE and JUSTICE LEAGUE: THE RISE AND FALL SPECIAL comes the destruction of Green Arrow. As Oliver Queen's inner turmoil and guilt overwhelms him, secrets are revealed that will tear him asunder.

  • 7.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - DS Arsenault Mar 17, 2010

    Pick up this book. Green Arrow has always been a character with a lot of potential for depth, given the right writer. Krul is the right writer. I'm going to see what he does with GA. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Bin - Herv St-Louis Mar 26, 2010

    Dallocchio is a great artist but his inked lines are too thin in several instances. He would benefit from a more present inked line. His characters look weird in some places. He tends to draw women with gigantic opened mouth that look silly. Read Full Review

  • 6.3
    IGN - Dan Phillips Mar 17, 2010

    The art is the issue's greatest strength. Federico Dallocchio stops by to lend this story a desperately needed sense of visual consistency and coherency. What his art lacks in detail, it makes up for in dynamic energy. There are some awkward poses in his work, but by and large his action scenes all suggest a sense of fluid motion. With Dallocchio on board, Krul might just be able to turn this new era in Ollie's life into a memorable one, mostly because, again, the central idea is a good one. He just needs to distance himself and his story from Cry for Justice as soon and as much as possible. He can start by following through on the promise of this issue's cliffhanger. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Ryan Schrodt Mar 18, 2010

    This issue is a failure on so many levels. It is really sad that Green Arrow #30 was an easy choice for Book of the Week, only to have it followed up by an issue that completely misses the mark in almost every single way. I don't want to fault JT Krul because he is an immense talent, but he does very little to make this mess of a storyline compelling. I can honestly say that I was able to approach this issue objectively (despite my previous unhappiness with its direction), but even looking at this with a clear head and no baggage isn't enough to make it enjoyable. Green Arrow is one of my alltime favorite superheroes and, much like Batman, I have a heard time fathoming a world where I wouldn't be reading his starring title, but this is so bad that I'm probably going to drop this book until this stupid storyline is dropped and forgotten. Read Full Review

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