Green Lantern #161

Writer: Judd Winick Artist: Dale Eaglesham Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: March 26, 2003 Critic Reviews: 1
4.0Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

Kyle must save a world from a rampaging Amazon! Some characters leave! New characters arrive! This one's just whetting the tastebuds for the upcoming Green Arrow/Green Lantern crossover!

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Apr 6, 2003

    Judd Winick has delivered a string of disappointing issues lately, both on this title, and over on Marvel's "Exiles", and I do hope that both of this dry spells is simply the result of him becoming bored with these respective titles. Still, this issue looks to be a classic example of a writer losing interest in an idea, as it's almost like he decided the story didn't deserve an ending that rewarded the reader. I actively dislike any ending where the problem is resolved with such a dismissive ease, as it basically is telling the reader that they've just wasted their time & money. Now Judd Winick gets paid no matter what he dishes out, but if he can't be bothered to make a greater effort than he's been displaying lately than his name is quickly going to move from a name I enjoyed seeing in the credit box, to one that I'll actively avoid. This issue is lazy writing at its worst, and I'm glad to see a new creative team is on the horizon. Read Full Review

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