Green Lantern #162

Writer: Judd Winick Artist: Charlie Adlard Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: April 16, 2003 Critic Reviews: 1
6.0Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

There's a mystery to be solved, an intergalactic crime organization to take down, and hostility brewing between Green Lantern and Green Arrow. Simple crimes become complicated, and the heroes' differences become blatant. This ain't Hal and Ollie! Connor Hawke may be the only person to stop them from killing each other, unless, of course, The Black Circle gets to them first...

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Apr 24, 2003

    An enjoyable enough issue, but there is a very real sense that this book is following an established formula, instead of making its own path. I mean on one hand I enjoy the idea that Kyle & Oliver are at each others throats, but I also can't ignore the feeling that the only reason both characters are being so bullheaded is because it is more entertaining. Now I like to be entertained and that should be the aim of every comic, but while Oliver can be excused for acting like this, Kyle's willingness to mix it up feels like a contrivance of the story, as he's long since past the stage where comparisons to Hal would get under his skin. The whole plot involving aliens and their attempts to establish a drug running business involving bleach feels a bit weak though, as one wonders why they simply didn't take control of a factory to mass produces the product. Plus, the whole team-up element hasn't really come into play, which is a bit disappointing, given it's the main draw of this crossover. Read Full Review

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