On the heels of the highly anticipated Human Target Fox television series comes a brand-new adventure pitting Christopher Chance against the organized crime...of the world! When he's tasked with protecting a highly placed informant and collecting damaging evidence throughout Europe, every assassin and goon from Paris to Prague will be gunning for the Human Target!From series creator Len Wein comes an all-new, action-packed adventure featuring the art of Bruno Redondo (PUSH) and covers by some of the industry's most popular creators! As a bonus, we've also got a backup story by Peter Johnson, executive producer of the Fox series, with art by tmore
This new incarnation of Human Target is not a total disappointment, but it also fails to capture the spark of better projects to carry the name. I'd suggest fans of the show ditch whatever preconceptions they have about Christopher Chance and check out Milligan's Vertigo series instead. Perhaps the best thing about the show from a comic fan's perspective is that these stories are finally being collected in their entirety. Read Full Review
All in all, "Human Target" #1 seems like an attempt at DC to cater to the TV show's fanbase, but the execution doesn't replicate anything that makes the show interesting or worth watching. Wein's writing is plodding and slow, especially the narration, and lacks much of the wit and charm without the show's three stars. Read Full Review
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