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Impulse #89

Writer: Todd DeZago Artist: Carlo Barberi Publisher: DC Comics Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 1
4.0Critic Rating
10User Rating

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Aug 21, 2002

    Impulse ends his close to eight year run through the DCU with more of a whimper than a bang, and while part of me is glad to see that he's still alive at the end, another side of me is a bit disappointed by this issue's rather low key good-bye. There's also the idea that this issue leaves the Max Mercury situation unresolved, and while some writer is likely to pick up the idea in the future, I can't say that I care much for this rather abrupt finish. There's also the silly elements that pervade this book like Carol & Bart acting like Bart's living in Denver is going to make their relationship difficult (I mean one long distant phone call, and Bart's at her side before she can put down the receiver). One also wonders about ideas like Jay being able to kill Rival, when the early part of the book makes a big deal about Rival being nothing but energy, and as such the question of if he's even really alive should've been brought to the table. Read Full Review

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