Sinestro battles the alternate earth Wonder Woman and Green Arrow. Harley considers jumping in, but has her hands full in the middle of a riot.
Ground Zero is setting up plenty of things that it can work from here and it's definitely got a lot of potential. I think it needs to loosen the Harley side up a bit and take more of a broad view with different focuses as Gods Among Us Did, but that doesn't seem to be in the cards. What we get here works pretty well though and I like how Harley is being presented, script and dialogue-wise as well as the artwork, but everything needs a big moment to really set the stage and get things moving forward. There's only so much setup that you want from a book that's adapting a story from a game that's all about fighting. Read Full Review
Narratively this feels rather heavy, but the story continues to be interesting and somehow watching these characters beat up on each and quip while they're doing it never gets old. There are a lot of moving pieces right now and I'm not sure if they are all being handled smoothly in the storytelling, but the art continues to be top notch. Four issues in it's not entirely clear what Harley's plan is, but I'm hoping we see stuff start to impact the larger Injustice world soon. Read Full Review
I was a little let down with this chapter. I was pretty bored with it. It wasn't bad but not as good as I was expecting. As I turned the pages, I was expecting more. Most of it was fighting with Harley monologuing to herself. The writing for it though is really good and the art from Daniel Sampere continues to deliver. Maybe I just wasn't into it. But, with an awesome cliffhanger, I'm still very interested in continuing the story and can't wait for chapter 5. Read Full Review