Injustice: Ground Zero #7

Writer: Brian Buccellato, Christopher Sebela Artist: Daniel Sampere Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: November 16, 2016 Cover Price: $0.99 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 2
7.2Critic Rating
7.8User Rating

Harley goes looking for super-villains to recruit for her gang. When some likely candidates turn her down, it's time for a trip into the sewers to find Killer Croc.

  • 8.0
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Nov 17, 2016

    While there aren't any big moments or reveals in this issue, what we do get is a good bit of fun as it focuses on the gang level aspect for Harley and Killer Croc. I like this little bit of "reality" that gets played with as it works an area that's ripe for regular exploration. Harley's gang certainly needs to be boosted more than her, but I still feel like her purpose isn't all that clear yet nor what the overall trajectory of this series is going to be. Buccellato and Sebela keep it lively, however, and Sampere and Albarran deliver a fun looking book that digs into the characters well for what they're dealing with and I just loved the croc mask design that Sampere works with here as it's priceless compared to what Harley and most others would come up with. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Batman-News - Elena Carrillo Mar 2, 2017

    Christopher Sebala and Brian Buccellatto are having fun with this, but it occasionally feels borderline incoherent in terms of tone. If you just let go of all expectations, you can sail along with Harley and let the good times roll. But if you're trying to make sense of the plan (or hoping the plan isn't so facile that its success seems a forgone conclusion) you might find yourself frustrated by many questions: why is the Hall of Justice unguarded? Where is all this kryptonite that no one seems to be using against Bad Superman? Whatever happened to Damian in the Batcave? Did Green Arrow really just shoot Black Adam out of the sky like a sparrow? Like I said: there's plenty to roll with here and the inevitable team up of Batman and Batman is hopefully worth the wait, but there are a whole of the threads just sort of dangling at the moment. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Weird Science - Jim Werner Nov 16, 2016

    This chapter was a bit of a snooze fest. Selba's story seems to be getting a little side-tracked now and I really don't know where is is going now. The art from Sampere does continue to be good and very pretty to look at. Still keeps that #SexyHarleyTime trend in full force. I'd like to see more of Harley interacting with the actual Injustice story in this run. I get that it takes place during the first game's story and doesn't want to retell it, but I'd kind of like a little more of that. Read Full Review

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