While the other members of the Justice League track an elusive target through the infant universe of Qwewq, Batman is forced to face off against Gorilla Grodd and his army with the aid of a Justice League of the Dark Knight's own design!
God looked down upon Gotham City, and said "Batman is not good, but I shall make him good again. I shall return to him the caring nature that underlies his crusade. I shall give to him back his wry humor. I shall return to him his intelligence and prowess in battle, and I will make him not crazed, loner vigilante but super-hero and member of the Justice League." Read Full Review
Ed McGuinness is a great artist with a visually exciting style, and he turns in a pretty solid effort in these pages when it comes to delivering the more nightmarish elements of the material, from the opening shot of Grodd as he's munching away on the remains of a super-hero, to the panel where one on the Ultramarine Corps falls victim to a particularly nightmarish attack. The scene where Batman and his army arrive to do battle with Grodd and the enthralled Ultramarine Corps is also quite effectively presented, as the art perfectly captures the idea that Batman's artificial J.L.A. don't stand a chance, and it adds impact to Batman's laugh inducing comment on how successful his plan was. The final page arrival of the real J.L.A. was also nicely done. However, there are moments where the art does feel like it's having problems conveying details of the plot, such as the opening pages, where I have to confess the grid format made the sequence far more difficult to follow than it really sho Read Full Review
A little too much focus on the Ultramarines and not enough on the Justice League. I love the way Morrison writes Batman