JLA #111

Writer: Kurt Busiek Artist: Ron Garney Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: February 9, 2005 Critic Reviews: 3
7.3Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

The JLA arrive just in time to stop the Crime Syndicate of Amerika from reaching its goal, while the Qwardian super weapon rampages through the positive matter universe! Three worlds collide, forging an alliance with old friends! "Syndicate Rules" part 5.

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Feb 17, 2005

    Ron Garney's art has never quite grabbed my full attention, and while his work on the past couple of issues has looked pretty sharp, this issue marked a bit of a step backwards; it regained the rough edged quality that has kept me from embracing his work. It's also worth noting that this issue calls for the art to deliver several big impact moments as the JLA clash with the Crime Syndicate, and frankly I felt Ron Garney's work missed several opportunities at delivering more dramatic images; instead of taking us right into the action, he pulls away and delivers a less exciting shot. I mean the Flash's escape from the Power Ring's bubble is one such example, but there's also a surprising ineffective scene where the Crime Syndicate fall victim to an attack from a guest hero, that never really captured the intensity of this attack. Still, I did enjoy the panel where Superman is used as a human projectile, and the art nicely captures the looks of anticipation as the Crime Syndicate disco Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Ray Tate Feb 12, 2005

    I just don't like it. In my heart, I know the League should win, but my brain objects. The Syndicate planned to invade earth. They prepared to take down the League, and the heroes were caught completely off guard. I don't like it, but I can't find anything technically at fault. Bugger. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Shawn Hill Feb 22, 2005

    These planet-destroying warlords come off as generic and, therefore, dull, with little true sense of the alien about them. Garney is much stronger with the iconic in-your-face fisticuffs, making one wish the alien stuff had been left out. And even there, theres some sloppiness, as on the cover where some of the heroes fight their exact doppelgangers and others fight their recognizable alternates. Confusing. Read Full Review

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