JLA #85

Writer: Joe Kelly Artist: Doug Mahnke Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: September 30, 2003 Critic Reviews: 3
6.0Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

The world's villains are on the verge of mass suicide, and Firestorm has just been attacked in the JLA's own backyard. If the Justice League doesn't figure out who's behind the chaos soon, they'll be the next victims! "Trial by Fire" Part 2.

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Sep 9, 2003

    The DCU is engulfed by a telepathic directive that has effectively erased evil from the minds of everyone on the planet, and this is the best that Joe Kelly could come up with? I mean this is a very compelling idea that is being utterly wasted by Joe Kelly who seems to feel that readers will be happy with a few fleeting glimpses at the radically altered DCU, and that his time is better spent on the slow, and almost meandering investigation of who is responsible for this unusual attack. Well I'm here to say that I would've liked the focus to have been centered more on the effects of this attack instead of the investigation of who is responsible. Than again I will concede if the person responsible is who I suspect it is than I can't wait for him to be exposed as the culprit by the JLA, as I would love to see this character take on the combined might of the JLA. The book also offers up some fairly interesting moments of interaction between John Stewart & Raven, and Vandal Savage is makes Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - David Kozlowski Sep 3, 2003

    If you havent read the previous issue of Trial by Fire then youll be lost, lost, lost. Im starting to appreciate Marvels opening page summaries its definitely needed here. JLA is lacking direction; its just one confusing or pointless mission after another. Theres no ongoing subtext or any apparent plan for the future. If you enjoy watching DCs top heroes running around punching stuff or making grandstanding political speeches, then Joe Kellys take will entertain you. The personalities of the various heroes are definitely unique, quite apart from the way theyve acted in the past and the art will certainly keep your eyes moving. JLA has become just another average comic book and thats not good enough. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Cody Dolan Aug 28, 2003

    This issue is hard to judge because there are some intriguing ideas floating around that promise some good old-fashioned super heroics but the maddening pace of this arc and well as the book as a whole has tempered my enthusiasm. I want to like JLA because it should be the best book DC publishes; when you have all these icons together how can it not be good? Unfortunately, thats not the way it is at the moment. Read Full Review

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