JSA All Stars Vol. 2 #2

Writer: Matthew Sturges Artist: Freddie Williams II Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: January 6, 2010 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 5
5.9Critic Rating
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  • 7.0
    The Comic Addiction - Robert Tacopina Jan 9, 2010

    Liberty Belle and Hourman venture to Istanbul in the hopes of procuring an18th century journal. Coincidentally they run into Icicle and Tigress of the Injustice Society. Both squads were apparently offered the mysterious book but it has vanished before either could retrieve it. It was a neat little tale that will continue next month and actually has some meat behind it instead of some pointless filler. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Bin - Herv St-Louis Jan 18, 2010

    Yet, Sturges has a winner with the characterisation and the motivations. I get the characters and why they are doing this. This is a good story and I like how reliant on their own skills they are while still being a good team in a fight. I do like the leadership conflict with Power Girl and Magog. I wish Magog would just die, but apparently, DC Comics is trying to push him down our throat as a major character. Does anyone remember Agent Liberty from way back and how he was hyped as the second coming of Christ? Thats how I feel DC Comics is trying to push Magog and hes one of the reason that I dont like the story. However, I do appreciate the conflict with the Injustice Society. The villains have as much personality as the heroes. But I do have to ask about Geomancer. Wasnt he killed way back in the old Justice Society series? Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    IGN - Dan Phillips Jan 6, 2010

    And because no one asked for it, the book also features a second feature starring Hourman and Liberty Belle written by Jan Ven Meter and drawn by Travis Moore. There's not much to say about this back-up other than it shares a closer connection to the main story than these secondary features typically do, and fails to make me care about these characters any more than I already did – which was not much. It definitely didn't justify the issue's $3.99 cover price. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - DS Arsenault Jan 9, 2010

    There's some good story in here. If you like the gung-ho side of the JSA, check out JSA All-Stars. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Jan 10, 2010

    I was looking forward to having two different comics starring the JSA, but if this one doesn't get its act together, I'll soon be back to buying just one issue a month. Read Full Review

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