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JSA All Stars #8

Writer: Geoff Johns Artist: Sal Velluto Publisher: DC Comics Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 1
4.0Critic Rating
7.0User Rating

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Shawn Hill Dec 15, 2003

    The cover, by the immensely talented Cassaday, is as beautiful as they all have been. How clever that the oldest heroes get his realistic touch, while their kids are rendered in antique pointillist dots. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Dec 10, 2003

    An utterly conventional final chapter and in my mind if one had dropped the opening and closing chapters of this miniseries than this miniseries would've been a far more enjoyable reading experience. Nothing really works all that well in this final issue, as Geoff Johns seems hard pressed to come up with an entertaining finish so instead he tries to fool us into thinking he's crafted a clever story by offering up not one but two moments where the identity of the villain is exposed, and I have to say the true reveal was the more annoying of the two, as it seems like the only reason this character was chosen because it's highly unlikely the readers would've guessed his identity. There's also a bit too much self congratulatory dialogue going on here, as Geoff Johns appears like he's under the obligation to sell the readers on the idea that these are good characters, by having the characters stumbling over themselves to praise their teammates. In the end this is probably the most disappoin Read Full Review

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